Thursday, April 3, 2014

Day 37 - Balls Out for Formal

Today I went balls out for formal. I have my final Delta Gamma social event coming up on April 29th. Formal is an annual thing here, and some years have been great, some sucked, and some I didn't go (sucked). This year I decided to do it big.

1. Kickass Dress
I wanted a designer dress for this event, but didn't want to shell out the cash or closet space, so I employed the use of Rent the Runway, a service I've been hearing about for a while but never considered. You pay to rent designer dresses for a few days. It's genius for someone like me who has formal events but would never re-wear a ball gown ever again.
My choice:

Badgley Mischka Screen Siren Dress in Gold
I love that RTR sends you two sizes in case one doesn't fit. I am anxiously awaiting its arrival on April 28th! Damn, I'm going to look good.

2. Kickass Date
This one was tricky, honestly. I needed someone fool proof. Someone who would socialize on their own, wouldn't need babysitting, wouldn't make me uncomfy and hit on me, and would dance/drink the night away. Picked him, asked him, got him. His name is Riley and he's the bomb.

3. Ask Date in a Kickass Way

As this is my school event to ask a date to, I wanted to go balls out instead of the traditional text/drunken invite on Northgate/out-to-coffee thing. So I picked something Riley and I both love: Harry Potter. The concept was a box of sweets from Honeydukes with some puns thrown in for good measure. The result:

Badass, I know. It was way too much fun to make and Riley loved it! I asked him, then went to happy hour with my lady friends, and that's how you do day 37.

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