Monday, May 26, 2014

3 Days 'til Departure

Happy Memorial Day!

Now that graduation, Macy's wedding, and the madness that accompanied both are finished, I finally get to focus on this blog's purpose: MY EXCURSION TO EUROPE! I leave in THREE DAYS. WTF. There is so much to do before then!
Today I'm taking care of miscellaneous things: signing up for an international phone plan, letting my bank know I'll be abroad and figuring out affiliated banks oversees, establishing firm plans with my friends in various countries, and looking for a decent backpack for my side trips.
Tomorrow is a big day. I will have to call American Airlines to see if they have assigned me a training date yet. I haven't heard from them since April when they notified me I had completed all the pre-training requirements. Yikes! Until that conversation, I'm not entirely sure how long I'll have oversees! So all this planning could be uprooted very quickly.. I'm into taking risks, what can I say?

I would like to take this time to also notify any readers that this blog officially has a new, official name.
Hurrah! WWKG has been a brainchild without a name for several months, but its title has come just in time.
That's all today.


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