Thursday, May 1, 2014

Day 10: Moving On

Today was my last day of work!

It's been an awesome 2 years at the School of Public Health and I've learned so much about professionalism, academia, and handling curve balls. Things were rocky in the beginning.. I did not get nearly enough training with the girl I replaced and didn't know how to do anything correctly for the first few months. I think my boss hated me. I wanted to cry some days.

Fast forward to now and I still want to cry because my coworkers have become part of my family. I don't want to lose touch with them quite yet! It's hard not to fall in love with a group of people that you see and chat with every day, but at least we'll still have Facebook to keep tabs.

My boss made me tear up in her office by giving me a graduation card and Texas A&M Former Student shirt. She's really become a mom away from home to me, always there when I needed to know what car shop, veterinarian, or hairstylists to trust.

Sigh. At least it's a beautiful sunny day to help keep my spirits high.

Day 10, you are bittersweet.

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