Thursday, May 1, 2014

Day 11: My BIRTHDAY!

TWENTY TWO! What a lame age. Taylor Swift songs can't make this pathetic year any more pleasant, so let's just call it what it is. MY SECOND 21ST BIRTHDAY!

My lady friends and I all went out to eat at my new CS addiction, Napa Flats for din. I'm obsessed. It's got everything PLUS free gelato on your birthday. Hell yes.

Post dinner, my sweet sweet gentleman friend had purchased kick-ass concert tickets for the two of us. I asked all my friends to join, but they were busy. So off we went to Bryan to watch Cherub, Carousel, and some rapper from Chicago whose name I can't remember. Sorry, guy.

It. Was. Amazing.

yay friends!                                                   yay Gentleman!

And then post-concert, as Gentleman and I were dancing down the street to our car, we ran into THE LEAD SINGER from Cherub, and Riley had the composure to get a photo of him and I. But I look like a DWEEB so it's not going on here.

Food babies, concerts, free dranks, celebrity sightings.

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