My first flight leaves in 9 hours and 30 minutes. I finally started to feel nervous as I packed my backpack for the official last time before departure.
To help those (fashion conscious, sneaker avoiding) going overseas for an extended time carrying only a backpack, I have compiled a list of the items I managed to stuff in mine.
Packing List:
15 pairs undies (don't judge me)
3 sports bras
2 reg bras
3 tank tops
4 sundresses
2 skirts
2 knit sweaters
10-ish thin tops with 3/4 to long sleeves
1 t-shirt
1 pair nike shorts
2 pair pants
3 pair shorts
1 pair yoga pants
3 pair socks
Shoes: black flats, nude sandals, tan Clarks, army green TOMS
Travel hair dryer
Tiny straightener
1 tiny towel
Wearing: 1 knit sweater, 1 pair pants, 1 tank, Sperry loafers, heavier coat
All of my toiletries and electronics are going in my carry on, a small sports backpack!
I definitely wouldn't say I packed light, but my bag certainly isn't heavy. I'm not going to be trekking back country and sweating through my tops, so the majority of my clothing is urban and cute. Navy, stripes, dark neutrals, and a few pops of color dominated my wardrobe. You can be the judge of my success through the pictures I hope to post.
My Danish friend, David, told me that it's the most beautiful time of year in DK right now, and that everybody is in shorts and tanks. After checking the weather (nothing higher than 67F) I decided to keep my Texas summer attire to a minimum. It would appear they don't make summer in Europe like they do in the south.
Tomorrow's the day!!!! Dying. Auf geht's, friends!
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