Tuesday, June 24, 2014

In Bruges

I can't believe I haven't updated since Brussels! So much has happened, so I'll try to make the updates short with lots of photos. First on the list: Bruges, Belgium!

I wanted to visit Bruges because everybody recommends it as a day trip if you're near Brussels. 
Bruges was an hour train ride from Brussels and unfortunately, I got a very late start and missed a few trains so I only arrived at 4:30.
The city was BEAUTIFUL and so quaint! It was full of cobblestone streets and a few canals, and a good amount of tourists.

My favorite part was this courtyard.
I had the chance to sit down alone and really think about the age of the town around me. I always love when I get an area to myself, even if just for a moment.

I think I'd like to go to Bruges again with more time and a bit more research. I'll just add it to the list!

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