Wednesday, June 4, 2014

That Time I Flew a Gliderplane

My trip so far has been full of moments of perfect timing. Example: That time I happened to be in Denmark while my host David flew in the National Gliderplane Championships in Arnborg.

After three days in Copenhagen, David and I set out across Kattegat for Aarhus. We stayed one evening with David's brother Morten before making our way to Arnborg, a quaint town in the middle of the Jylland countryside. All the competitors got to stay at Arnborg Svaeveflyvencenter, a small glider air field and camp. Take a gander at our adorable little cabin:

I watched David and his partner Ole take off each morning to complete a task for 3-5 hours before landing and coming home to BBQ with other pilots or eat Danish comfort food at the air field kitchen. While they were out flying, I got to bike around the air field, read, and enjoy the amazing sunny weather.

On Tuesday (June 3), the glider task was cancelled because the thermals that carry the gliders upwards were not up to standard for competition. I happened to be hanging around their plane when the cancellation was announced, so Ole, who is actually the instructor who trained David, invited me to fly!

So of course I did. With zero experience. Honestly, Ole did all the operating and I just sat there, but hooooly moly, what an awesome experience!

I'm in love with every bit of Denmark I've seen so far. This place is a dream.

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