Thursday, June 5, 2014

Jylland's West Coast

Today, to celebrate some successful flying and our last evening in Jylland, David and I took a little trip to the western coast. Fun fact: supposedly no matter where you are in Denmark, you are always within one hour from the shore.

We stopped in two small bay towns before reaching our final destination, and each of them were hosting local summer street festivals in the evening sunshine. We grabbed dinner in one (a salad pizza, wtf) and ate in the Alfa Romeo on our way to Sondervij.

The beaches were beautiful. We arrived just in the middle of the sunset (it's about 3 hours long) and spent an hour walking by the water and exploring the German bunkers left over from WWII. 

I am continually impressed with this beautiful country. I think I'll have to live here in the future.

Tak for reading along.
Vi ses!

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