Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Paris By Day

Paris! This city is gigantic! The people here are so chic and fashionable and always seem to be in a hurry. There is no such thing as walking here. Everybody is at a slow jog, at least. Aside from being dressed like I live out of a backpack, I'm also wandering very slowly and constantly have my camera in my hands, giving away my tourist status very quickly. 

As much ask didn't want to like Paris, I can't help it. The buildings are SO beautiful and full of history. I still might like Brussels the most, but Paris has got a ton to offer.

During my two days here, I've shopped down the Champs Elysses, seen the Notre Dame, walked by the Arc de Triomphe, and visited the Saint Chapelle cathedral. Each sight is just as amazing as the travel sites describe them. 

I must say that I have realized something about myself by being in all these big cities. If I spend more than a few days in an urban area, find myself in a foul mood. Something about being constantly surrounded by cars and grumpy people and buildings gets into my head and I have to escape into small towns and nature. I'm happiest in green spaces and the outdoors. Such a flower child.

Next up: the place I've yearned to visit since I first saw Marie Antoinette in 2006, The Palace of Versailles and Le Petit Trianon!

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