Monday, June 9, 2014

Learning to Live Without

Something that became apparent to me quite quickly after my arrival in Denmark was the natural beauty. Yes, in the landscape, of course, but also in the face of its inhabitants. The women here don't wear make-up, or if they do, it is incredibly minimal. I had read and been told that before departure, but still left home with a giant bag of foundation, eyeliners, shadows, and make-up remover. I have slowly transitioned to using only three products: lotion, dark circle foundation, and mascara. Baby steps! Having the rest is such a waste of space, but I can't bring myself to throw away $$$ in cosmetics that I'll probably pick back up in the US.

It's interesting to take this concept of no make-up and think about the related differences in American culture. It's hard to admit, but we're often very caught up in ourselves state-side. We generally tend to accumulate lots of possessions, take long showers, and recycle only when forced. Physical appearance is an obsession to many. I have spent a shameful amount of money on high-end cosmetics, gym memberships, and trendy clothes/electronics/devices and know I'm not the only one guilty of this.

Here, I've noticed a distinct culture of minimalism and social consciousness. Typically my hosts own one type of soap, one brand of shampoo, and a few sensible pairs of shoes they wear with everything. Home furnishings aren't generally ornate or showy, but very functional. Showers aren't longer than 6 minutes and people often cut off the water during shampooing/conditioning/shaving to conserve. Recycling is almost a religion. People don't jaywalk, air conditioning is unheard of, every toilet is dual flush, bicycles are more common than cars, and people are generally just looking out for one another's well-being. What's great is that as a result the people are fit and active into old age. I am regularly left in the dust by Grannies on their bicycles and I'm not even mad.

I love the sense of social connectedness in Europe so far. The people may not always be as forwardly friendly as in the South, but I have yet to encounter someone unwilling to help me out when I ask.

Just a few thoughts here at the end of my day. 
Cheers to sore legs, short showers, and less make-up!

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